Brace yourselves for all the ‘self-love’ posts this Valentine’s Day! The term is thrown around a lot in these times, more so when it comes to discussing single life. While it’s super hashtag-worthy, and a great excuse to pamper yourself, it’s so much more than just a buzzword. But how do you actually do it in real life? Whether you’re single or attached, self-love can be challenging and often misunderstood. So instead of the usual V-Day clicheness, we decided to bust some self-love myths, to actually help you start loving yourself. 


Myth 1: I Like Myself Just Fine, I Don’t Need To Fall For This Self-Love “Trend”

Nope, it’s not a trend and it definitely goes deeper than simply liking or even not hating yourself. A healthy relationship with yourself comes with self-compassion, self-awareness and of course self-confidence. It’s definitely a stepping stone to attracting the right people around you and helps you love and empathise with others too. Self-love also makes you more resilient to breakups, failures and loneliness.


Myth 2: I Get Massages & Buy Things For Myself All The Time – I Love Myself!

That is just surface-level. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying these things but it’s not just about how you present yourself externally. It’s about your relationship with yourself even when your hair is a mess and you aren’t in a ratty t-shirt and sweats. 

Myth 3: Self-Love Is Selfish & Narcissistic

It really has nothing to do with arrogance or conceitedness. It’s about honouring the one relationship you’ll have for the entirety of your life – the one with yourself. Your ability to love others expands when you love yourself. In fact, loving others is an act of self-love too, but when you sacrifice yourself to do it, it poses a problem.

Myth 4: Once I Achieve My Goals, I’ll Really Love Myself

Think about it, any type of true love shouldn’t be conditional, the same goes for self-love. It’s less about the end game and more about the day to day. It’s about choosing love in those imperfect moments, without any prerequisites.

Loving yourself for being you is the most important.