Having only ever dated in the Digital Age, from Tik Tok flirting to sexting up a storm, these young singles are no stranger to dating tactics that may be a bit err, confusing for us folk born before 1995! Gen Zers are more brazen about questioning what society has taught us about love and dating, are much more open about sex and are willing to embrace new perpsectives about romantic relationships. It could be a good idea then to borrow a thing or two from their playbooks when it comes to navigating the rocky waters of dating today. Here are a few Gen Z dating tips that could help us millennials step up our dating game.



Don’t Hesitate In Making It Official 


Gen-Zers are as open-minded as Defining The Relationship (DTR) as they are about pretty much everything else. Most of us view DTR-ing as a dreaded conversation that could either end in commitment or total heartbreak, but their outlook is more about honest communication. They’re really uncomfortable about guessing where they stand, if you’ve been on a few dates and you’ve met their friends or family, they aren’t afraid to outwardly say if they’re dating exclusively or communicate that this isn’t what they’re looking for. Clear communication and setting boundaries early on is definitely an outlook that could save us from so much confusion and heartbreak. 


A Stable Income Is More Important Than Sex


While career is definitely important for millennials too, the younger 20-somethings place dating even lower on their list of priorities, finding a job and stable income, especially in a post-pandemic world takes much higher precedence. Focussing on themselves, a steady job and earning a comfortable life is where they place more focus on before they can fully dive into dating seriously. Investing in yourself is a great tip to live by, if love happens along the way that’s great but even if it doesn’t, it’s no big deal.


Don’t Judge Your Date Based On Their Social Media 


While we all google and Insta-stalk a potential date, it’s better to take this info with a grain of salt. No one is exactly who they are online, don’t let your online stalking create false expectations about someone, whether they’re unusually high or low. If someone may seem super hot in their pictures, they may not compare in person or someone may seem dull online but could be super funny in person. It’s not fair to judge someone based on their digital persona, give their profile a glance for sure but try to learn about them more on the actual date. 


Be Open To Where A Date Can Lead


It’s natural to go on a date with either the expectation of it leading to something serious or a fun night of hooking-up, but Gen Z are more fluid about the outcome. They are open to any kind of possibilities, be it a short-term fling, a one-night stand, a platonic friendship or even just learning something new on a date. It’s okay if the other person wants different things, there’s no shame if one wants marriage or just a hook-up. They don’t limit their experiences and the opportunities to meet new people by the idea of knowing exactly what they want from the get-go, because you never know who you might connect with or even discover something that excites you if you aren’t open to exploration. 


There’s No Shame In Dating Apps


When dating apps first came about, most millennials were reluctant to give them a shot but Generation Z have openly embraced online dating as a reality, after all it’s 2022! No one really cares if you met on Hinge or Tinder or Jeevan Sathi, what matters is the connection. Swiping or DM’ing someone online for a Gen Zer is as normal as offering to buy someone a drink at a bar. Accepting the fact that dating apps aren’t taboo can help you have more luck in actually meeting a great match. 

Ghosting Is Still Not Okay


When you’re dating in today’s day and age, ghosting is inevitable, whether you’re Gen Z or a millennial but that doesn’t mean it’s okay. No matter what your age, treat people how you would want to be treated, if you’re not into someone, be honest about it, it’s okay if you aren’t looking for the same thing they are, but at least giving them clarity can help them get over it.